Tag Archives: art


Damon Herd performing at DeeCAP

Damon Herd performing at DeeCAP

We hope you are looking forward to the Comics Unconference on Saturday. It should be an informative, engaging, educational, and fun day. To add to the fun part we will be ending the day with a DeeCAP session. A what you ask? Well, Damon Herd, one of the unconference organisers regularly hosts evenings of Comics Art Performances in Dundee (hence the name!) where comics creators perform or interact with their comics while they are projected on a large screen. Dressing up, music, and sound FX are all encouraged, in fact the more far-out the better! This session will include DeeCAP regulars David Robertson and Andrew Godfrey, as well as newbies Kat Lombard-Cook and Paddy Johnston. Would you like to take part? Drop us a line at comics.unconference@gmail.com

To find out more check out this short history on performing comics over at Comics Forum and ‘like’ the DeeCAP FB page to be kept up to date with events.